Willing Health Colonic Hydrotherapy Belgravia, Barbican, Central London

Availabilty and Fees

What do you Get?

* Odorless Treatment Method
* Fully Disposable Equipment
* Supported and verified by Accredited organisations
* Tailored Massage Technique to help process (20 years as Massage therapist)
* Empathatic, Honest and Trustful Service
* 18 Years experience in Colonic Hydrotherapy
* Honest and helpful advice
* Comfortable, Dignified setting to make you as relaxed as possible
* Women and Men welcome.
* Enima included on advisement




Monday        8-2pm

Wednesday  8-2pm

Thusday    10-6.30pm




1 Hour Treatment - £115

90 Minutes Treatment - £161


A £30 non-refundable deposit is payable to secure your booking.
(Debit/credit card).


We operate a strict 48 Hour cancellation and reschedule policy.


Re-scheduled appointments are limited to one per booking.


A thorough medical history is taken prior to treatment and this will ensure that you are suitable for the procedure. It is usually safe to have a Colonic Hydrotherapy session alongside conventional medicine, but if you are currently having any medical treatment please get in touch before making an appointment and we can discuss the situation.

Look forward to helping your healthy journey.

Why Us? and Pricing. New 1-3 review


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